
dont have a college degree, which puts them at

 Ukwuoma, a Nigerian immigrant who had opened the restaurant in 1984 "to let people know the type of food we eat in West Africa," said Barry C. Marine, an official of United Financial Services, told the couple that because the restaurant was in a predominantly black neighborhood, they would have to sign over a second trust deed to their home in order to borrow the $59,500 they sought. They signed a variety of uncompleted loan documents after Marine allegedly assured them it would "facilitate the transaction.". Indeed, a number of Republicans noted Wednesday the potential targets for retaliation liberal Democrats whose utterances rankled them. A Texas Republican has already started the tit for tat, offering an amendment to remove Rep. Ilhan Omar (D Minn.), a fierce critic of Israel who has faced accusations of anti Semitism, from her committees instead of Greene.. The GOP plan contrasts sharply with a Democratic plan offered by Rep. Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut a